
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

How to get her thinking of you

\\\ How to get her thinking of you ///

Every guy wants to make a lasting impression on the woman he’s into. If she’s not thinking about you when you’re not around, then odds are she’s thinking about some other guy. Here are 10 tips you can use immediately to stand out from the crowd of men hitting on her every day.

How to get her thinking of you
Use "little things" to woo her

There are a ton of “little things” that women look for to help them make big decisions about what kind of man you are. They instantly tell women whether or not you are worthy of a second thought. Maintaining eye contact, strong posture, not fidgeting; all of these are great things for you to pay attention to. By the way, women make these decisions on a subconscious level. They don't look at a guy, then say to a friend: "Well, he maintained eye contact when I first looked at him, then he held his head up high in a dominant posture, so, I'm going to give him a chance." Practice these simple steps and a woman will naturally want to spend more time with you.

How to get her thinking of you
Break the ice online

Women aren't interested in being bored to tears by some guy who says: "Hi, here's my profile, please let me know if you're interested in knowing more." They want a challenge, they want electricity and they want someone who can hold their interest. So, be cocky, funny and playful. Say something like: "Saw your profile and I think you deserve a chance to get to know me. I think we could get along well. If you are interested, (which I know you will be) drop me a line, and if you sound as interesting as your profile says I might write back. " Women aren't interested in finding another friend when it comes to dating and romance. They want someone who makes them feel attraction.

How to get her thinking of you
Get tons of dates

When guys get a woman’s number, we often start to feel weird about turning right around, talking to another woman, and getting her number too. We don't want to be seen as a "player" or insincere. My advice? Get over it. If you enjoy talking to a woman, and you'd like to get her number and go talk to other women, just say: "Here, write down your e-mail and number. I'm going to get back to being social." Women will see you as more interesting if you are talking to all of the women at the party.

How to get her thinking of you
Get her number easily

Most guys are very nervous about approaching and starting conversations with women. However, if you can just realize that women want to meet men, and that they want men to approach them, it makes you consider that women probably want guys who aren't acting nervous and insecure. So, be direct and use what I call the "One Compliment" approach. Try saying, "Hi, you are... [pause]... beautiful and I had to take a moment and meet you." The pause is priceless. Look directly into her eyes as you talk -- and as you pause. This communicates that you're not afraid of her. Make small talk for a minute, then ask for her number. Easy.

How to get her thinking of you
Go to a physical level

It’s important that you learn how to go from one stage to the next with a woman. Let’s say you’re at a club and you meet a girl you really like and you start kissing. You can say, “Hey, come with me," and then take her hand and lead her to another part of the club or bar, or take her to the dance floor (or some combination), and then start kissing again.

How to get her thinking of you
Be more than just a friend

When a woman says, "I only like you as a friend" or "I've been hurt, so I want to take this slow" or "I like you so much, I don't want to lose you as a friend" -- or any of the million variations of these things -- it usually means that you're not doing the things it takes to create attraction. She doesn't feel it for you. And if she doesn't feel it, then there are no shortcuts, my man. Stop being such a "nice" guy.

How to get her thinking of you
Reverse your role

One of the best ways to tease a woman -- and amp up the attraction -- is to use "reverse gender stereotypes. Attractive women instantly connect with the humor because you're turning around situations that they have had happen to them all of the time and making something funny out of them.
How to get her thinking of you
Keep her once you get her

Too many guys make the mistake of assuming that it's all about getting the girl, and they put far too little emphasis on keeping a great girl once they find one. The fact is, until you're in a situation where you've found a great woman who you'd like to keep in your life, you won't realize just how important it is to know how to keep her. Let’s say a woman you really like tells you she’s thinking about seeing an ex-boyfriend of hers. Instead of freaking out, tell her she has your blessing to check it out. Tests like this one can be a pain, but this is reality, and we have to deal with it when it shows up.
How to get her thinking of you
Get tons of dates

When guys get a woman’s number, we often start to feel weird about turning right around, talking to another woman, and getting her number too. We don't want to be seen as a "player" or insincere. My advice? Get over it. If you enjoy talking to a woman, and you'd like to get her number and go talk to other women, just say: "Here, write down your e-mail and number. I'm going to get back to being social." Women will see you as more interesting if you are talking to all of the women at the party.